Tuesday, April 10, 2012

about schmidt

I can't believe that when I think about - and talk about -
my favorite actors - that I never mention Jack Nicholson.

What a Great Actor ! ! !

To name a few:

About Schmidt - love it

5 Easy Pieces - Yes

The Shining - My favorite scary movie that I will never watch again

Chinatown - My sister/My mother - I hated the nose thing

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - My pick 4 best

Terms of Endearment - My fave of his

Mars Attacks - a dipsh*t movie that I've watched a couple of times :]

As Good As It Gets - Ya got it right that time - AA folks

Anger Management - Loved it


A Few Good Men - Absolutely Outstanding in practically every way

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

the lost world (jurassic park) /creature from the black lagoon

Let's just stop going into places where we don't belong - people.

Just out of random curiosity - see?

Now I know that if we hadn't gone in and pushed the Native Americans
aside - we wouldn't have come this far in America - and I do believe
we have come - far.

Just ask Clint Eastwood.

Our Best Half Is Yet To Come - here in our Really Cool Great Country.

But I think we should make an effort to show the Native Americans - that perhaps - WE DID THEM WRONG.

I'm not sure how - but I know if I get the chance I will try to show

and let's leave places alone that we don't belong in - like outer space -
and the black lagoon - and the dinosaur island - wherever that is...


Saturday, March 10, 2012

les miserables

I have this movie - but early this morning I let it run
by on my Study flat screen while I did housewife stuff.

~knowing glances & beautiful dialogue

~my disdain and comtempt for Inspector Javert - a defining
role for Geoffrey Rush - and even when he willfully drowned
himself I was not sorry

~in spite of her Father's attempt to keep her sheltered from
the outside world (see Forbidden Planet) Cosette just knew
what Love was - and that the Firebrand of a Revolutionary
Young Man - could fulfill her innermost desires

~when he successfully leaps the chasm- into the World in
which they will reside - with Cosette on his back

~Victor Hugo's Beautiful story

~The Revolution - ya gotta love a Revolution - folks - when
they ride the wagon and sing - with Flag Held High - later they
surely did the dance

Friday, March 9, 2012


starring the guy who keeps trying to expose her for
what she Really was - but he helped them in the end

Oh Yeah - and it was one of Ron Howard's finest.

And Tom Hanks is in it - wasn't he.

and the Really Beautiful Darryl Hannah.

but it has a b*llsh*t ending - because why couldn't he come
back and see Freddie at Christmas?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

air force one

Oh - I know what ya are thinkin' - folks.

stidh - ya dumb sh*t - that is an OLD movie - and it
wasn't even a Good movie.

Well - I beg to differ with ya - folks.

After all - Harrison Ford was President - wasn't he?

And I'm pretty sure that Harrison Ford could do as good a job
as President of the United States - as anyone - at this point.

And anyway - I just happened to be a Loser sitting here checking
out the 40 hbo movie channels - and Air Force One is on - and I
saw the scene where a number of those People manage to escape -
by parachuting out the back of the plane - with the Stars shining
brightly in sky - and - well -

It Just Got Me All Excited.

Now I would never parachute out of a plane - even at gunpoint.

And if I were PUSHED out of the plane - I would immediately die.

That's just how I am.

and Really - folks - does it get any better than Harrison Ford?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

city slickers

Isn't this a Great movie - folks.

especially when the camera is on Bruno Kirby.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

there will be blood

This Great Movie - and the highlights are:

~when he killed his brother - but he deserved it because
he Really wasn't

~when he made him Testify

~he Loved his son but he couldn't accept the imperfection

~he bashed his Head The F*ck In And Really Didn't The
Preacher Deserve It Folks

I heart this Movie

but No Country For Old Men was good too that was a tough call
the ending drove me f*in' nuts I'm going What? What?